IMPORTANT: Before filing bug, please try to play the video on desktop with VLC to make sure link is not broken.

RTSP Streaming Video Links
Sintel 1080p (Internal)
Opto 480p (Internal)
Avatar trailer 270p (Internal)

HTTP Live Streaming Video Links
Akamai ipad
iphone webcast
quick time

Internal HLS test streams :
Sintel 1080p
Opto 480p
Avatar trailer 270p
Big Buck Bunny (Adaptive bitrate)

Other HLS test streams :
fp drive

Youtube Video Samples - Supported Video ID

Youtube Video1
Youtube Video2 broken
Youtube Video3
Youtube Video4
Youtube Video5
Youtube Video6
Youtube Video7
Youtube Video8
Youtube Video9
Youtube Video10 broken
Youtube Video11
Youtube Video12
Youtube Video13
Youtube Video14 broken
Youtube Video15 broken
Youtube Video16
Youtube Video17 broken
Youtube Video18
Youtube Video19
Youtube Video20

Youtube Video Samples - HQ NotSupported Profile

Youtube HD notsupported Video1 broken

High Bit rate Youtube Video Samples

Youtube High bit rate Video1
Youtube High bit rate Video2
Youtube High bit rate Video3 broken
Youtube High bit rate Video4
Youtube High bit rate Video5
Youtube High bit rate Video6 broken
Youtube High bit rate Video7
Youtube High bit rate Video8 broken
Youtube High bit rate Video9
Youtube High bit rate Video10
Youtube High bit rate Video11
Youtube High bit rate Video12
Youtube High bit rate Video13
Youtube High bit rate Video14 broken
Youtube High bit rate Video15

Streaming Playlist

Ooyala/Washington Post
PostTV 1
PostTV 2
SFR (with Language attribute in the Manifest file)
Bloomberg VOD

HLS Playlist Compatability
Apple master playlist (bandwidth variants)
Apple advanced playlist (bandwidth variants, WebVTT subtitles)
Apple AAC media playlist (audio-only playlist)
Truman: Video, no audio (video-only playlist)
Truman: VOD with discontinuity (discontinuity)
Truman: Cut with ads + ID3 (many discontinuities, change in MPEG2TS program table, etc.)
Encrypted sample from GitHub (encryption)
Encrypted stream
Azure live 1 (v3) (Live streaming, muxed audio/video)
Azure live 1 (v4) (Live streaming, separate audio & video)

Last updated: Feb 24, 2016